Flex Fitness 32 years in Holland MI

Flex Fitness Center Blog

If you’re hitting the gym, you’ve probably come across protein powders. These workout supplements are packed with essential amino acids that your body needs to build and repair muscle. But with so many options out there, how do you know which one is right for......

In the age of social media and ever-evolving fitness trends, it’s easy to get bombarded with information on what works and what doesn’t when it comes to achieving your fitness goals. From Instagram influencers talking about miracle diets to well-meaning friends passing on advice they......

Have you ever found yourself holding your breath while pushing through a tough set at the gym? It’s a common scenario, especially for those new to weight lifting. Breathing might seem like a natural process we don’t need to think about, but when it comes......

In the pursuit of shedding excess fat and achieving a healthier lifestyle, the role of exercise is pivotal. Many wonder about the best exercises for fat loss, and these questions often arise: Is weightlifting good for fat loss? How about boxing? Boxing vs. Weightlifting? The truth......

Have you ever wished you could pack on muscle faster? Maybe you’re looking to get stronger, boost your metabolism, or just feel more confident. Whatever your goals, building muscle can be a game-changer. But it’s not always easy, especially if you’re short on time or......

  Are you aiming to get fit? Weight lifting is an effective way to do it. Beyond shaping your body, it teaches you patience, determination, and discipline, making you stronger inside and out. Through weight lifting and with the assistance of an experienced personal trainer,......

Are you tired of the same old workout routine? Do you find yourself hitting a plateau in your fitness goals? If so, it might be time to consider cross-training. Cross-training is a fitness approach that involves incorporating a variety of different exercises and activities into......